


Level 10


2 Bedroom | 2.5 Bath


Interior: 1312 Sq Ft

Exterior: 364 Sq Ft

Total: 1676 Sq Ft

Levels 11-12


2 Bedroom | 2.5 Bath


Interior: 1312 Sq Ft

Exterior: 270 Sq Ft

Total: 1582 Sq Ft

All dimensions are approximate. The floorplan is subject to change without notice. The seller reserves the absolute right, in its sole judgement and discretion, to substitute appliances, materials, fixtures and equipment of equal or greater value for those specified. There are various methods of calculating the total square footage of a condominium unit, and depending on the method of calculation, the quoted square footage of a condominium unit may vary more than a normal amount. The total condominium square footages as shown in this brochure are based on the “Architectural Method” of measurement which measures the exterior perimeter of the condominium unit, and also includes interior columns and fifty percent of demising walls. The method for calculating residential square footage used in marketing materials is different than the method used for calculating residential square footage in the condominium documents. Please see the Declaration of Condominium for more information. The model shown includes options and upgrades that are not a part of a base residence pricing.